Shakin' your fist, yeah. Do you feel like a man?. Got a rock in your pocket. Got the girl by the hand. . Flick the bird to the world, yeah. 'Cause the world is your plan.
The kids of the Coca-Cola nation. Are too doped up to realize. That time is running out. Nagasaki's crying out. . The doomwatch says it's time. To give back what you took away.
You got a perfect way. All the things that you play. Cut clearly like a knife to the bone. Mama's calling you, you'll never get back home. Never get back home, never get back home.
Shotgun. . Standin' on a stage, the boy started shakin'. Lip curled back, the place started quakin', yeah. I ain't got long to go now baby. I'm flyin' high.