Out of her mouth it came as no surprise. Lipstick stained on whip cream lies. I feel that if I had been uglier. It would have been easier. . There, there, there, there.
Back in the good old days when dancing meant exploding. The idea was simple for a decent overloading. And for a multiple flash with no chords attached.
[Incomprehensible]. St. Vitus dance. . Back in the good old days when dancing meant exploding. The idea was simple for a decent overloading. And for a multiple flash with no chords attached.
Tonight I could be with you. Or waiting in the wings. Lift your heart with soaring song. Cut down the puppet strings. Cut down the puppet strings. . I wear a coat of drums.
Following the silent hedges. Needing some other kind of madness. Looking into purple eyes. Sadness at the corners. Works of art with a minimum of steel.
Learning lines in the rain. Special effects by lunatic and drinks. The graveyard scene. The golden years. . She's in parties. It's in the can. She's in parties.