C is for the Christ child. Born upon this day. H is for Herald angels. In the night. R means our Redeemer. I means Israel. S is for the Star. That shone so bright.
When I was but a youngster. Christmas meant one thing,. that I'd be getting lots of toys that day. . I learned a whole lot different. when Mother sat me down.
When I was but a youngster. Christmas meant one thing,. that I'd be getting lots of toys that day. . I learned a whole lot different. when Mother sat me down.
When I was but a youngster Christmas meant one thing. That I'd be getting lots of toys that day. I learned a whole lot different when mother set me down.
When I was but a youngster Christmas meant one thing. That I'd be getting lots of toys that day. I learned a whole lot different when mother set me down.
(And that's why there's a Christmas Day). When I was but a youngster Christmas meant one thing. That I'd be getting lots of toys that day. I learned a whole lot different when mother set me down.
Hope you're not disappointed. In the way things turned out. Can we be starry-eyed. Still lovers after all this?. Love was hard to find. But we have. Love was hard to find.