You cease to smell the steel plant. After you've lived there for a while. Smoke is snow is ash are leaves that blow. Through the air aloft. All our houses dim their sliding.
The light blue flickering rhythm. Of the neighbor's big console t.v.. Is basking on the ceiling. Of another insomniac spree. And outside sleep's open window.
you were fresh off the boat. from virginia. i had a year of new york city. under my belt. we met in a dream. we were both nineteen. i remember where we were standing.
He said, "You've gotten tough". 'Cause my tone was curt.. Yeah and when I'm approached in a dark alley,. I don't lift my skirt.. In the city, self-preservation is a full time occupation..
a cold and porcelain lonely. in an old new york hotel. a stranger to a city. that she used to know so well. bathing in a bathroom. that is bathed in the first blue light.
Gonna go out to the arrivals gate at the airport. And sit there all day. Watch people reuniting, public affection so exciting. It even makes airports okay.
The glory of the atom. Begs a reverent word. The primary design. Of the whole universe. Yes, let us sing its praises. Let us bow our heads in prayer. At the magnificent consciousness.
I'm calling from the diner, the diner on the corner. I ordered two coffees, one is for you. I was hoping you'd join me 'cause I ain't got no money. And I really miss you I should mention that too.
The air comes off the ocean. And the city smells fishy. The air is full of fish and mystery. Whispering who, what, when. . And I am warning you I am weightless.
Hello. It's me. I'm returning your call. It's Monday Wednesday Friday. Between noon and three. . He says I. Usually just let the phone ring. But I've always got a minute of time.
The slant. A building settling around me. My figure female framed crookedly. In the threshold. Of the room. Door scraping floorboards. With every opening.
I would have returned your greeting. If it weren't for the way you were looking at me. This street is not a market. And I am not a commodity. . Don't you find it sad that we can't even say hello.
Your basic average super star. Is singing about justice. And peace. And love. And I am glaring at the radio,. Swearing. Saying that's just what I was afraid of.
We can touch. Touch our girl cheeks. And we can hold hands. Like paper dolls. We can try. Try each other on. In the privacy. Within new york city's walls.
got a garden of songs where i grow all my thoughts. wish i could harvest one or two for some small talk. i'm always starving for words when you're around.
Tiptoeing through the used condoms. Strewn on the piers of the westside highway. Sunset behind the skyline of Jersey. Walking toward the water. . With a fetus holding court in my gut.
The sun is setting on the century. And we are armed to the teeth. We're all working together now. To make our lives mercifully brief. . And school kids keep trying to teach us.
The sun is setting on the century. And we are armed to the teeth. We're all working together now. To make our lives mercifully brief. . And school kids keep trying to teach us.
{So, okay}. . {o, lastly, well, we were supposed to be here last night. I mean, not and you're late, no}. . {We were supposed to be in this town, sleeping soundly in beds.