You cried and you cried and you cried wolf. So it took me a minute to understand. That you really were hurt bad. That day you deeply cut your hand. And then that look that you gave me.
How pleased can one. Sun setting make you. If you humble yourself. To it?. How grateful can you. Really say that you are. Just to be here and live. Through it?.
standing just outside. the circle of light. avoiding the pool cues. watching the game. waiting for you. hanging in the doorway. like smoke. like mistletoe.
I've been wondering what you meant. When you asked do you have a light?. I've been wondering where you went. When you left that party that night. . Cloud blood smudge smeared on the sky.
come. come away. come away from. come away from it. . next to the glass ashtray. in a little plastic baggy. is a bitter rock remedy. really good stuff.
What's the point. Of all this pointless proximity. If you won't talk. Take me for a walk. Through a little story. . All these years. Have made me sick to tears.
Fourteenth street and the garbage swirls like a cyclone. Three-o-clock in the afternoon. And I am going home. F-train is full of high school students.
the big day has come. the bell is sounding. i run my hands through my hair one last time. outside the prison walls. the town is gathering. people are trading crime for crime.