Manhattan, Kansas ain't no place to have a baby. When you got no man to give it his last name. And her folks back in Manhattan didn't want her or her bundle.
That call was from the office, and I guess I'll. Have to burn the midnight oil again. And hon' you know how much the boss. Depends on me to lend a helping hand.
I'm a master of disguise,. Mystery in your eyes,. Travelling the backroads of your country.. Well, you think you've got my number. And then again, you wonder.
There I was in the Garden of Eden, the serpent, more crafty. than any of the wild animals that the Lord God had made.. There she was Eve, in paradise, and willing to give me a.
("No! this face is only a mask, a wicked ornament,. illuminated by an exquisite grimace,. Look and see, atrociously contorted,. The real head, and the sincere face.