Relent to your useless devices. Retreat, your last line of defense. Regress to the hollow relationships that shield you from yourself. . Relent to your fortress of skin.
We have waited for so long. To occur this day. There are those who fly away to a distant place. But I think I'll stay. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Daddy, she has your eyes. And when she grins you can only realize. The guilt she manifests so deep inside you. That your thin veneer of catechism can no longer hide.
We once drew. Some lines in black. And right now it's about time. We took them back. So bored of losing ground to the heresy. In our hearts.... . With a steady steady hand hand hammer hammer blade.
Shelter me. with mercury vials. escape is the machine to. shelter me. with media tablets. well turn today into a-. dream. more doses. more screens. more vials to.