I drank the meaning of her words, as theft. She danced for Chopin, but his request was that she left. The sea gave up his daughter for the moon. So weary she looked, as my arm lifts at noon.
Across the cedar covered river. Within the night that covers them. Up the hill toward dark gates. An approach so sweet yet again. . Proffer the sightless with wine.
Your eyes speak more than. More than your lips. More than your mouth. Bare were your summer. Shoulders and arms. And slender neck. . She rose up beautiful before me.
I drank the meaning of her words, as theft. She danced for Chopin, but his request was that she left. The sea gave up his daughter for the moon. So weary she looked, as my arm lifts at noon.
I reach for my shadow in horror. Envy eats but its own cold heart. Some friends, the few I have left. Set sail out of the frame I'm in. . He begins to die, That loses his desires.
And me kissing Christ, with one eye on his crown. I came killing through the dark. My victims, please take a bow. With great thought, my words are launched.
He surely sails on tameless seas. With idle hours in devils hands. One hundred men on tameless seas. Always searching for sacred land. . Rain lashing raw shoulders.
I'm unaware of a response. From my errant dark red soul. Too deep to be spoken aloud. I bury a word right in my heart. . Frost etched the tall windows.
Twas a frosted morn in winter deep. When Rosey left for wood. The fire was low just barely a glow. When Rosey left for wood. . Upon the wall a tapestry hung.