Empty pockets but a heart full of love. A heart full of love for you. Cash? Not any, not one red penny. But kisses many, for you!. . Empty pockets but a heart beating fast.
Let's share the thrills that were made,. Especially for the young!. The dreams that never will fade,. Especially for the young!. Let's find out why a tender sigh,.
é lei la donna mia, lei. Che non potr lasciare mai. Perch ora lo so. Per l'eternit il nostro amore durer.. . é lei la donna mia, lei. E a tutto il mondo grider.
In your Easter bonnet. With all the frills upon it,. You'll be the grandest lady. In the Easter parade!. . I'll be all in clover,. And when they look you over.
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail,. Yes, I would,. If I could,. I surely would, hmm. I'd rather be a hammer than a nail,. Yes, I would,. If I only could,.
lei la donna mia, lei. che non potr lasciare mai. perch ora lo so. per l'eternit il nostro amore durer.. . lei la donna mia, lei. e a tutto il mondo grider.
In this world, if you read the papers, darling,. You know everybody's fighting with each other.. You got no one you can count on, dear,. Not even your own brother..
Every road. Every road. Every road. Every road. Every road I walk. I want to walk with you. . You know everything. I can't hide from you. Show me while I'm here.
[Dialogue Written by Quentin Tarantino]. . JULES. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the. inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in.
Every Day And Night Trk 14 3:16. Robert Lee McCoy (aka Ramblin' Bob and Robert Nighthawk). (Robert Lee McCoy). Recorded: December 18, 1938 Aurora, Illinois.
My reflection of all the things you would say. And the hopeless vision of how you move me that way. . Oh. ..But everybody see's someone ..... How these contridictions got me out of my head.
Hot winds and hunger cries--Ethiopia. Flies in your babies' eyes--Ethiopia. Walking sticks on burning plains. Betrayed by politics. Abandoned by the rains.
The Minus is loveless. He talks to the land. And the leaves fall. And the pond over-ices. She don't know the system, Plus. She don't understand. She's got all the wrong fuses and splices.
Barbelivien/Bernheim. Entrer dans la lumire. Comme un insecte fou. Respirer la poussire. Vous venir genoux. Redcouvrir ma voix. En tre encore capable.
Barbelivien/Bernheim. Entrer dans la lumire. Comme un insecte fou. Respirer la poussire. Vous venir genoux. Redcouvrir ma voix. En tre encore capable.
D. Barbelivien. Elle voulait jouer cabaret. Sur un paque bot de contrebande. Pas dans un bastringue marseillais. Avec des marins qui lui demandent. Une chambre d'htel sur la mer.
Everyday, everyday I have the blues. Ooh everyday, everyday I have the blues. When you see me worryin' baby, yeah it's you I hate to lose. . Whoa nobody loves me, nobody seems to care.
He Baby Baby, haha. Ich sah dich auf dem Balkon liegen, du hattest nichts an. Du warst nackt, du hattest nur das an was der liebe Gott dir gab. Hey little little Gaby, ich glaub so heißt du doch. Ist doch ganz egal wie du heißt. Hm Hm lecker, das Bonbon war lecker gestern abend. Ha das Bonbon war lecker das ich aß, bevor es dich gab in meiner Fantasie..
Heeehheee... Pitsche Patsche Pitsche Patsche! Regen fällt mir auf den Kopf, die Erde ist ganz nass. Die Blumen blühen in ihren Kästen. Die ganze Welt glänzt wie in einem zarten Seidling! Was mach ich nur, was mach ich nur? Ich spann den Schirm auf, geh unter ihm spazieren! Es regnet, es regnet, die Dachpfannen werden nass! Für den Bauern ist der Regen gut, und der Mensch findet es nicht gut! Pitsche Patsche Pitsche Patsche Fitze Fatze!.
I remember what my father said. He said "you don't slow down. You're gonna end up dead". I remember what my brother said. He said "you're runnin blind.