Wanted to take her back to my place.. Driving 90, let the cops chase.. Making her damn it feels so good face.. And she don't wanna wait, no, wait till we get home..
What if I lied told you pigs could fly? Would you believe me or would you laugh?. . What if I stared? Would you care? Would you ignore me or would you stare back? Would you stare back?.
Flowers died a long. Time ago my friend. And they're hanging on the wall. With wax and thread. . When you were young. Did you think it would ever end?.
[Verse 1: Marcus Orelias]. . Marcus Orelias, come with me or get left.. Why like me? Yo girl been stressed. Past dresses motivated bars I bench-pressed.
You're wearing trousers with a tag on the back. and a cap with the visor turned up,. parading around Tuleto. like a lady's man trying to be seen. . You're acting all american,.
What's a guy gotta do. To catch a break in this town?. There's always the man in blue. Wearin' a badge and a frown.. After a year or two,. It starts to get you down..
Hate is rapping at our door;. We can't live here anymore.. Drugs have taken down our schools;. Thugs are breaking down our rules.. . We'd better hip hop to it;.
Ich hab kein Geld. und weil ich nicht fremdbestimmt arbeiten will wird das auch so bleiben. Ich hab ein Kind. aber erst bei Fnfen htte ich ne Chance, dass mich eins mal durchbringt.
Wenn du mich nicht willst will ich dich auch nicht. Wenn ich dich nicht will dann willst du mich. Wenn du mich nur willst weil ich dich nicht will. Mache ich nicht mit.
Back before the blues were blue. When the good ol' songs were new. Songs that may no longer please us. 'Bout the darkies, about Jesus. Mississippi minstrels color of molasses.
In the dessert where the stars are bright. And constellations rule your life. Long ago three kings set out. To follow a peculiar light. . What did they see up in the sky.
Gone is the romance that was so divine. 'Tis broken and cannot be mended. You must go your way and I must go mine. But now that our love dreams have ended.
Maybe its much too early in the game. Ah, but I thought Id ask you just the same. What are you doing New Years. New Years Eve?. . Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight.
Wouldn't it be nice to walk together. Baring our souls while wearing out the leather. We could talk shop, harmonize a song. Wouldn't it be nice to walk along.
I'm so glad I had you. If only for four nights and half a day. I have had no clue. If you were going to be worth the wait. I always knew. That you were just too good to be true.
My eyes noticed the sadness. with which you looked into the endlessness. trying to hear the sound of you own shouting. . The plan that I've inflicted.
When our love was new. Through spring's first morning sun. We'd run, only beginning. . I never gave a thought. That sun and seasons change. It's strange, so soon it's the ending.
Wild mountain thyme : to the mcpeake family of belfast. . Oh the summer time is coming. And the trees are sweetly bloomin'. And the wild mountain thyme.
I wandered today to the hills, Maggie. To watch the scene below. The creek and the creaking old mill, Maggie. Where we used to long, long ago. . The green growth is gone from the hills, Maggie.
We have been gay going our way. Life has been beautiful, we have been young. After you've gone, life will go on. Like an old song that we've sung. . When I grow too old to dream.