Related. . 11 Delicious Misheard Lyrics About Food. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist. . Refresh Your Christmas Playlist With These 10 Modern Holiday Tracks.
"All Soul's Night". This piece was inspired by the imagery of a Japanese. tradition which celebrate the souls of the. departed by sending candle-lit lanterns out on.
I sat within a valley green. I sat there with my true love. My heart strove to choose between. The old love and the new love. The old for her, the new that made.
Good people all, this Christmas-time,. Consider well and bear in mind. What our good God for us has done. In sending his beloved Son.. With Mary holy we should pray.
Loreena McKennitt. Loreena McKennitt: troubador harp. . Related. . 11 Delicious Misheard Lyrics About Food. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist.
The first good joy that Mary had. It was the joy of one.. The first rejoice that Mary had. Was to see her new born son.. . To see her new born son good man,.
Banbridge Town in the County Down*. One morning last July,. From a boreen green came a sweet colleen. And she smiled as she passed me by.. She looked so sweet from her two bare feet.
Come all you lads and lasses, I'd have you give attention. To these few lines I'm about to write here,. 'Tis of the four seasons of the year that I shall mention,.
Of all the money that e'er I spent. I spent it in good company. And all the harm that e'er I've done. Alas! It was to none but me. And all I've done for want of wit.
A clouded dream on an earthly night. Hangs upon the crescent moon. A voiceless song in an ageless light. Sings at the coming dawn. Birds in flight are calling there.
The thundering waves are calling me home to you. The pounding sea is calling me home to you. . On a dark new year's night. On the west coast of Clare.
When the last eagle flies Over the last crumbling mountain And the last lion roars At the last dusty fountain In the shadow of the forest Though she may be old and worn They will stare unbelieving At the Last Unicorn.
When in the springtime of the year. When the trees are crowned with leaves. When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew. Are dressed in ribbons fair. .
On either side of the river lie. Long fields of barley and of rye,. That clothe the world and meet the sky;. And thro' the field the road run by. . To many-towered Camelot;.
Dear thoughts are in my mind. And my soul soars enchanted. As I hear the sweet lark sing. In the clear air of the day.. For a tender beaming smile. To my hope has been granted.
On either side of the river lie. Long fields of barley and of rye,. That clothe the world and meet the sky;. And thro' the field the road run by. . To many-towered Camelot;.
Health, love and peace be all here in this place. By your leave we shall sing, concerning our King.. . Our King is well-dressed in silks of the best. In ribbons so rare no king can compare..
Loreena McKennitt. The holly and the ivy. When they are full grown,. Of all the trees in the wood. The holly bears the crown.. . The rising of the sun.
The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees. The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon the cloudy seas. The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor.
See there, past that far-off hill. A tower held in the sky. Hear there, in that dark blue night. The music calling us home. . See there, in that far-off field.