Rosanna makes my day begin. With kisses for a king and coffee on a silver tray. She sees the shape I'm in. And if she would ever break away. I'd follow close behind her.
You said you were through with romance. Why take a chance on anyone. You're so beautiful too. I can tell by the way that you dance. . They say that people don't change.
Gonna buy me a long white robe. Yes Lord to help me home. I'm gonna buy me a long white robe. Yes Lord to get me home. And when I get my heavenly gown.
Ribbon of darkness over me. Since my true love walked out the door. Tears I never had before. Ribbon of darkness over me. . Clouds are gatherin over my head.
I climbed the Redwood Hill. 'Twas on a rainy day. To rise above the throng. And talk with Mother Nature for a while. . She told me of her love. For the children in her trust.
In the name of love she came. This foolish winsome girl. She was all decked out like a rainbow trout. Swimmin' up stream in the world. . And she said, "Please, please, I've lost my way.