Well a question mark is,. It's a little wavy line above a dot or two upon your page, or. A question marks you and you. Wonder as it sinks into your memory.
Quan vey la lauzeta mover. De joy sas alas contral rai. Que s'oblida es laissa cazer. Per la doussor qual cor li vai:. Ai! Tan grans enveya m'en ve. De cui qu'eu veya jauzion!.
You're pretty nonchalant. With your four (fore?) arms. And your bleeding teeth. I think you're pretty nonchalant. I'd have to say you're quite nonchalant.
Did you ever go down to see the Quinn boys?. When I walked outta there I went awwwww!. Meet you in the Bowery. Goodbye Beacon Hill. Hello misfortune, I've got time to kill.
Did you ever go down to see the Quinn boys. When I walked down there I went ???. Meet you in the Bowery. Goodbye Beacon Hill. Hello misfortune, I've got time to kill.
As I roved out one fine summer's morn. 'Mang lofty hills, moorlands and mountains. Wha should I spy but a fair young maid. As I wi' others was out a hunting.