You say it's only a paper moon. Sailing over a cardboard sea. But it wouldn't be make believe. If you believed in me. . Yes, it's only a canvas sky. Hangin' over a muslin tree.
What would you run so far for. And would you get that far. You shot a five on par four. Why they make it so hard. . Don't you know you'll never control nothing.
Oh, what a parish, a terrible parish;. Oh, what a parish is that o' Dunkeld.. They hangit their minister, droon'd their precentor,. Dang doun the steeple and fuddled the bell..
Haha I kissed Polly goodnight haha as we stood at her front door. Now she's quite a proper lady so I didn't ask for anything more. But haha I was feeling oh so groovie that I went down to the movie.
(I'll tell you a story of silly young king. Who played with the world at the end of a string. But he only loved one single thing and that was just a peanut butter sandwich).
Oh, if you read in the papers that she's been seen. A gettin' in an' out of some millionaire's long, custom made limousine. She may fool you with her smiles, but I can see.
Everybody says I'm paranoid they all think I'm crazy. They all smile to my face but they'd like to see me die. They put poison in my coffee they put ground glass in my oatmeal.
In vain I try to dry a tear. Which falls down from my eyes. It makes me think of the one I love. Who in the cold grave lies. . My heart is very sad I vow.
Kind friends gather round. There's a dream that I had this last night. There's plenty of land, soil and sea. We won't have to struggle and fight. . It's a poor man's heaven, well how about when.
T no, princesa, t no.. T eres distinta.. No eres como las dems. chicas del barrio.. As los hombres te miran. como te miran.. As murmura envidioso. el vecindario..
La familia, los amigos,. aguardan con impaciencia. que por dignidad, la saque. de la casa con violencia.. . Apenados me contemplan. o sonren con desprecio..
Disculpe el seor. si le interrumpo, pero en el recibidor. hay un par de pobres que. preguntan insistentemente por usted.. . No piden limosnas, no.... Ni venden alfombras de lana,.
She hit my heart and left my pain. All this time I've been running from myself. but all I needed was friend. . And tonight my head spins around. All around and round again.
(Jack Poels). is 't woar wat ik zij. ooh die oege kieke nar meej. ooh 't is ni woar ik mot goan proate. ik gaj dor de grond. de werlt dreid onder mien kont.
From: Rob Prikanowski ([email protected]). PIETJE MOS MELLEKE. Pietje mos melleke. melleke de koe. verdomme zij Pietje. 't geatje zit toe.
So many people runnin. Don't know where they're goin.. Panic and panic and panic. Showing what (side is wrong). . We've got the reason. if you want to know it..
In the summer that my son was born. In the same unchanging town that fathered me. I retraced many steps trying to fit my own footsteps. Is it the truth perhaps there is no return.
pastime with good company. i love and shall until i die. grudge who will let none deny. so God be pleased this life will i. for my pastance* hunt sing and dance.
by Robin Williamson. . Purple clouds turn scarlet in the setting sun. Where sagebrush turns to alive oak and the white tail run. The air is cool as music when the day is gone.