I've unravveled green tangles. with talons dirty of earth. I've pulled up, lacerated,. I've moulded me like mud. I've dug, removed tumuls and roots. I was rooted to the earth.
Au fond des abimes de la falaise. On entend un son de flute dans le fremissement. Des vagues qui se cassent sur le tombeau ou. Flee et Fabian sont enterres dans le guffre_.
Oh mio signore, io gli dissi"Signore,. no!, per la dea bendata,. io non ho gusto di grandezze mio signore,. di morir mi punge vaghezza,. veder nella rugiada di loto il fiore.
[Faust In A Cursed Hall]. . Laisse-moi,laisse-moi. Contempler ton visage sous la pale claret. Laisse-moi,laisse-moi. L'astre de la nuit comme une. Nuage,caresse ta beaute.
There's many who talk of Freedom. And we have some it's true. But if you think it's fairly shared around. Then you don't have a clue,. No you just don't have a clue..
The old days have gone that had use for a man. Who supported his laird-ship, protectin' his land.. Who in times of unrest, would have died for his lord.
I was forced to wander because that I was poor. And to leave the hills of Caledonia seemed more than I could endure. And when that I was travellin oh what thought came to my mind.