Fear no more the heat o' the sun. Nor the furious winters' rages;. Thou thy worldly task hast done,. Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages. Golden lads and girls all must,.
Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child. By by, lully, lullay, thou little tiny child. By by, lully lullay. . O sisters too, how may we do. For to preserve this day.
Werein the deep night sky. The stars lie in its embrace. The courtyard still in its sleep. And peace comes over your face. . 'Come to me' it sings. 'Hear the pulse of the land.
Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free. And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea. Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun.
Music by Loreena McKennitt. Lyrics by William Butler Yeats, arr. by Loreena McKennitt. . Beloved, gaze in thine own heart,. The holy tree is growing there;.
I wish I was in Carrighfergus,. Only for nights in Ballygrant. I would swim over the deepest ocean,. Only for nights in Ballygrant.. . But the sea is wide, and I can't get over..
This glancing life is like a morning star. A setting sun, or rolling waves at sea. A gentle breeze or lightning in a storm. A dancing dream of all eternity.
Come all you sailors. Sail upon my sea. Swim in these salty waters. Cleanse the wounds that run so deep. . Come all you lovers. Give your hearts to me.
She waited under wildwood, under maple and pine. Wondering when her cherry blossom love would arrive. . He once was a young man in love with a girl like me.
A man is placed upon the steps, a baby cries. And high above, the church bells start to ring. And as the heaviness, the heaviness, oh it settles in. And somewhere you can hear a mother sing.
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Related. . 23 One Hit Wonders You Still Can't Get Out Of Your Head. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist. . Refresh Your Christmas Playlist With These 10 Modern Holiday Tracks.
INSTRUMENTAL. . Related. . Songs You Love If You Love Nerds. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist. . Refresh Your Christmas Playlist With These 10 Modern Holiday Tracks.
Related. . 15 Huge Stars Who Were Backup Singers First. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist. . Refresh Your Christmas Playlist With These 10 Modern Holiday Tracks.
John you're right. It's good to know you're bright. For intellect can wash away confusion. Georgie sees. And Annabel agrees. Most folderole's an optical illusion.
Related. . Naughty & Nice Christmas Songs. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist. . Refresh Your Christmas Playlist With These 10 Modern Holiday Tracks.
Related. . Naughty & Nice Christmas Songs. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist. . Refresh Your Christmas Playlist With These 10 Modern Holiday Tracks.
Someday don't wake up. I want you to get some rest. Someday if she's hungry. I'll bring her to you. . Clara, once upon a time, your mother. Didn't love your father the best.
Related. . Naughty & Nice Christmas Songs. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist. . Refresh Your Christmas Playlist With These 10 Modern Holiday Tracks.
Dicen que el culebre tiene la escama de un pez. que vive dentro del ro que nadie lo ve. la ltima vez que lo vieron anduvo en el pueblo. en disfraz de gaitero.