Ich sehe so hufig den alten Mann,. Den Grauen, den Weisen. Und seine Schriften.. . Ich sehe und denke so hufig daran,. Die Lehre vergiften,. Das Neue zu preisen,.
I fly unseen through. The wind of the worlds. After a long gloomy. Pale winter night. I fly unseen through. The wind of the worlds. Can I interest you in silence?.
there are people who are like tongues of fire flame. everything that they touch turns to ash. . there are people who are like a pile of dust. just one touch and they fall apart, nothing remains.
When through the starry night. the mists of autumn glide. the air is filled with tragedies of olden times. . Where with a dreadful tone. a nightbird plays its song.
When shadows grow longer. and the sun sets for the forthcoming night;. our sorrow is stronger. as darkness and death are now near by our side.. . Many a sun will set and tears of grief will be shed....
When shadows grow longer. and the sun sets for the forthcoming night;. our sorrow is stronger. as darkness and death are now near by our side.. Many a sun will set and tears of grief will be shed....
Schön ist der Wald, wenn der Tag sich neigt,. wenn feiner Nebel hoch vom moosgen Boden steigt.. Und Vöglein singen sacht zum Ruhgeleit -. dann mirs die Brust vor arger Schwere feit..
Still, still war die Nacht,. nur reget sich sacht -. von Dunste bedeckt,. ein See tief im Walde,. im Schilfe, die Schwäne,. ihr Wehklagen hallte..... Die Maid indes irrte.
Wo schmerzlich Zeit musst heftig wogen,. da thronet ein erforner Bogen.. Stille bereitet sich endlich an,. müden Wandrern zart zu nahn.. Kein Lichtstrahl trifft die Schatten hier hinein,.
Wo silbern Wasser rauschen,. Zeit lange schon verbannt -. da sitzt er auf altem Steine,. die Fidel in der Hand.. Lässt wundersam sie klingen,. nun lausche ihm gebannt......
The sun sets and we sit down. The night is filled with whispers. I remeber all what was said. And what was done. If you miss me on your way. Bring me another moon.
Listen to the beauty of the demon. As he dances above the untamed sea. Watch the sky as it turns red. Shadow, shadow at the wall. Let the silence slowly fall, knee deep.
Without you my heart aches, but for one night the world stood still.. Alone. Collected in a quiet way.. The burden of self doubt goes up in flames.. As the sunset bounced off darkened clouds..
I am left in the night, trembling with fear,. I have seen to the future, and the future is here,. Our leader will bring victory, but our land is in flames,.
At night I heard the owls say find the truth beneath the stars. You'll have to travel back to heaths of green. The entrance to the oak woods will be revealed to you.
Don't weep. Just see. Come here. Call me. Just follow. No sorrow. You're there. Where you belong. . It's where you belong. Don't you see. When memories are gone.
Come with me.... Through time.... Through a whisper.... . This is the land of all magic. This is the warrior's tale. Lost in eternal madness. . The lives that I have ended.
I lay alone wrapped in chains and lost in visions. Searching for reasons why I feel the pain of the world. To my dismay the visions increased, the rage grew stronger.