Rattled chime, slow ringing echo. Roll around in virus meadow. Suck enchanted nightshade twine. Hear the bells beneath us chime. Sinking sermon, priest head murmurs.
It was late afternoon. She sat watching never come to Vincent Crane. Under the wet weather swollen door. Never came. She pressed her knee up. Underneath the wooden table.
Look at you, fastened by sheltering blanket.. Did you think I'd forget how sweet you taste,. nay my umbrageous heart still yearns for you,. and still to peruse your love is such a waste..
I'll do everything but you're not that way. I'm lost around you. And you'll do everything with the same old lies. When I can't even try. . Yeah, you get me high, I'm feeling so low.
Bed and a home. Dead trapped on the window lies. Know where to hide tonight?. . The faces empty you were never alive. Touch too much to never know. You wanna lick some alcohol from the flies.
I gave you sympathy,. I gave you apathy,. I gave you honesty,. I gave you all of me.. It's valentine's day, and what did I buy you?. I wrapped up all the love we had and threw it in your face..
No h velrio nem morto. Nem crios para queimar. Quando isto der pr torto. No te ponhas a cavar. Quando isto der pr torto. Lembra-te c do colega. No tenhas medo da morte.
Venham mais cinco. Duma assentada. Que eu pago j. Do branco ou tinto. Se o velho estica. Eu fico por c. Se tem m pinta. D-lhe um apito. E pe-no a andar.
Bang bang you're dead, did not, did too. Stop diddy-bopping buddy, bouncing Betty on you. Bang bang you're dead, did not, did too. Stop diddy-bopping buddy, bouncing Betty on you.
I got up early and the sun was by my side. I thought you was my friend but all you did was lie. And now I carry this until the day I die. I keep on riding till the sun falls from the sky.
I cannot speak of what I feel. And yet I feel so much. I know that woman's arms can heal me. Like an angel's touch. . She says she likes the accent. She thinks it's so polite.
I want your heart, I want your soul. I want everything you hold dear. I want the sinews that bind you together. I know enough is never enough. I want the broad road and 20/20 vision.
A wasteland grows inside my mind. As the moons sets before my eyes. My dreams are old and milleniums passed by. Torn - in a strong reality. Born - into the wrong century.
A wasteland grows inside my mind. As the moons sets before my eyes. My dreams are old and milleniums passed by. Torn - in a strong reality. Born - into the wrong century.
A wasteland grows inside my mind. As the moons sets before my eyes. My dreams are old and milleniums passed by. Torn - in a strong reality. Born - into the wrong century.
Have you heard the latest. (You love you). Have you seen who just walked in. (Vain, vain, vain, vain). (Uh huh, you love you). Right over there. (She's so vain, vain, vain, vain).
Flvio Venturini / Mrcio Borges. A madrugada raiou molhada de primavera. O cho tremeu, trovo (no cu tremeu). Vai pelo rio rolando a msica do meu sonho.