Blacked eyes and blood red skies,. It's colour that you lack.. Your malignant life, a malignant knife,. That feasts upon our backs.. . From the shoulder blades to rib cages,.
Blacked eyes and blood red skies,. It's colour that you lack.. Your malignant life,a malignant knife,. That feasts upon our backs.. . From the shoulder blades to rib cages,.
Down instead of up, back instead of forward,. faster and faster, begging to stop.. Stop the madness.. Slipping backwards, losing your life,. the whole fucking world, to its knees by this virus..
Syringe Infusing Voracious Parasitic Infestation. Which Meticulously Altered The State Of Mind. A Haemoglobinic Drug Taken To Infest And Deform.... . Kill For Me.
I gaze through the waters to see another reality. To a place beyond hope and fear. Seen visions of an unspoken paradise. When will I drift into my own reality.