When I die, I don't want anyone to know. that I fell in love with you. I was nine and you were ten, it was true love way back then. from the moment I set eyes on you.
This crappy west coast hippie scene is becoming quite a drag. It seems that all my freaky clothes are turning into rag. The time has come to break the strings.
World's going through some changes. I see so many things that. I don't understand. . And people - have got to feel the power. We got to take our lives back.
Video, eo, eo, eo, eo, eo, eo. The satellites that search the night they twinkle like a star. They send their love from up above down to my vtr. The world is at my fingers under control.
Conceptual imaginary, it seems so real which world do you live in. . I sense the emptiness inside the brain no apparent function, it has no name. nor does it see reality an existance in an endless masquerade.
Sadly his mother watches helplessly,. as her child demolishes the very fabric she believes in.. Catching an occasional glimpse, she remembers with great pain,.
My imagination wants to see. The vivid colors of reality. There's a place out there beyond my grasp. A revolution in a looking glass. . I've got to get this problem off my chest.
Early morning with a sigh. She opens both her eyes. Praying for a safe return. Lost in the darkest night. This day the jury has adjourned. Her love has taken flight.
What do you want?. (I want). What do you want?. (I want). What do you want?. (I want discipline). Discipline. . What do you want?. (I want). What do you want?.
Ajoin takaa. venlis vankia Vladimir Grutovia. talvisella pelto aukealla. metsstin miest isni haulikolla. palelin, mutta ihmis jahdin kiihko ajoi jalkojani.
Porque ha perdido una perla. llora una ostra en el mar. porque el sol no se ha asomado. est triste el pavo real.. . Porque han pasado las horas. y la barca no lleg.
This one's called Vaseline. . When you're stuck like glue. Vaseline. When you need some goo, ah. . When you're stuck like glue. Vaseline. When you're black and blue.
pobegli su svi u grad. ulice su pune, autobusi. a telefon zvoni, zvoni, zvoni, zvoni, zvoni.... samo traz"e. samo bez"e. sve im je tez"e. sve im je tez"e.
Pusti neka voda nosi u zaborav. Obale su prazne kao pustinja. i samo ljudi s"to pogledom prate s"ta nosi matica. Oc"i su nam prazne kao pustinja. i ugriz na usni s"to kaz"e, tu je nekad bio okean.
False peace. None my friend in word. Batteling bards. None my friend in word. Bloodshed. Ill nature comes to pass. War gods. Ill nature comes to pass.
eins, zwo aus der vogelperspektiveund du mehr so frosch eins zwo,na fällt der groschen eins zwomit sportsfreund wie dir geh ich squaschen eins zwoweil ich wannenmässig unterwegs bin soll heißen,klammer auf im falle reime klammer zudie mittelmäßigen prallen hallen,so daß ich nur die mindestens besten von allen hallenschon allein diese tatsache wird meinen opfern den kopf verdrehennicht 180 nicht 360, 720hip hop plus larusso ist äquivalent zu rock plus danzig,simple mathematik plus beat plus bass wie bootsymach mich nach adam riese zum schrecken der straße wie lucymanch einer von euch experten wird wenn nötigordnungswidrig erniedrigt, geformt und geknetet wie friedrich & friedrich.
[Music: S. Drover, G. Drover]. [Lyrics: S. Drover]. . Trapped beneath 1000 storms, volcanic ash is brimming to explode. Buried under walls of ice - dormant lava waits to singe the earth.