Minä saavun niin. Matalalla että. Katkenneet oksat voivat koskettaa minua. Miten tuntuukaan tää niin. Tunteettoman ei-miltään. Kun mun henkilökohtainen maailma loppuu.
Älä usko lauluihin. Ne tekee susta haaveilijan. Ne voi saada sut kaivelemaan asioita, joilta mielesi koittaa sua suojella. Niil on taipumus sotkee kaikki ajatukset, ja jättää kaaokseen.
Liekeiss tuuli on ymprill. Painon tunteena se tulee taas. Piilossa leiki kuollutta, vist katsetta. Ja kumarra. . Kiinni kun j, niin uppoo syvn. Kahden tilan saumaan eik voi hengitt.
Rikkirepisty valokuva lattialla. veri suutelee rannetta valkeaa. eilen perhonen lytyi kuolleena meidn lattialta. ensilumi satoi tytn kasvoille.
On valkosiipinen langennut vaik ei niin saanut kyd. Taas jrjen ni on vaiennut kun putoo vanhaan kuoppaan. Kuin krpnen verkossa. Kiedottu langalla. Tieten ettei kauaa aikaa.
(stewart gray/todd kennedy). Published by hello holly music/keppel music publishing/frankly blond music/socan - bmi. . Something in your eyes, is telling me goodbye.
(myles goodwyn). Published by slalom publishing co. - bmi. . So many times I've loved you. And now I don't even know you. I'm just a victim for your love.
When I left the valley of sadness. When I left the valley of sadness. I saw the mountains of the plains around. Gathering to cry. . When I left the valley of sadness.
Na, na, na, na. Na, na, na, na. Na, na, na, na. Hey my mind is a about a .... I want you.... I want you, I know what I want!. I want you, I'm getting through.
I can leave this place tomorrow. A sad-eyed supper having to turn down. Raise a glass to old man Vasil. Who crept across the sea to find her there. And as their hands touched they disappear - we miss them dear.
Oh I love you Venezuela. The sun the sky the sea the sand. I'm going back to Venezuela. For me it is the promised land. . I went down for a wedding. Of an ex of mine.
Your tongue. Bores me numb. Terror toma, Cousin, no more. Speaking for you. . Shallow opinion,. Acid fetish toy in the shape of YOU. Look very beautiful [beautiful].
[Paroles : Christian Dcamps]. Au seuil de ton antique. Aux ornires d'un parchemin,. Je me risque poursuivre. Les lignes de sa main.... Silhouette de version latine,.
Non mais a va pas ? J'attendais pas a de toi !. Tu vends de drles de joujoux de drles de Pres Nol, Pres Nol. Pourquoi tu fais a, un grand garon comme toi ?.
Cyclical. Stuck inside a never ending rhyme. But you're comfortable. Just another decomposing alibis. Sing yourself to sleep. Count the days gone by. But outside of your walls passes real life.
Rattled chime, slow ringing echo. Roll around in virus meadow. Suck enchanted nightshade twine. Hear the bells beneath us chime. Sinking sermon, priest head murmurs.
It was late afternoon. She sat watching never come to Vincent Crane. Under the wet weather swollen door. Never came. She pressed her knee up. Underneath the wooden table.
They call me the voodoo woman. And I know the reason why. They call me the voodoo woman. And I know the reason why. Lord if I raise my name. You know the sky begin to cry.