Hay cosas como la cerveza que se pueden beber. Y hay otras como el aceite de ricino que más vale ni oler. Eso es todo lo que me hace hablar. Algunas veces bien y otras tan mal.
You were all that I wanted. I fell in love with all of your heart and your soul. From that moment, couldn't imagine. You ever hurting me or mistreating my love.
Related. . 23 One Hit Wonders You Still Can't Get Out Of Your Head. . Watch Sock Puppets Reenact Your Favorite Misheard Lyrics About Food. . Ed Sheeran Awkwardly Serenaded Arya On Last Night's 'Game of Thrones'.
Related. . 11 Delicious Misheard Lyrics About Food. . Watch Sock Puppets Reenact Your Favorite Misheard Lyrics About Food. . Ed Sheeran Awkwardly Serenaded Arya On Last Night's 'Game of Thrones'.
Someone's knocking in the distance. But I'm deaf and blind. She's not expected home this evening. So I leave the world behind. For the vanishing girl.