at times, as you look. into the void. she glares at you too. reveals her true face. the face unrevealed. by words. nor with gestures. is it shown. . the face with no feelings,.
Er hat immer Hunger. Er mu immer essen. Er mu wohnen und schlafen. Und vergessen. Da gestern wie heute wird. Heute wie morgen. Und da in diesem Laden herzlich wenig passiert.
Er hat immer Hunger. Er mu immer essen. Er mu wohnen und schlafen. Und vergessen. Da gestern wie heute wird. Heute wie morgen. Und da in diesem Laden herzlich wenig passiert.
Der Wasserman - weiss was er kann.. Der Krebs - kommt irgendwann.. Der Stier - will kein Ochse sein.. Die Jungfrau - laesst nicht jeden rein.. Der Steinbock - braucht 'nen guten Plan..
Whose there, coming up slowly?. Starting to grow on me. Perfect and lonely. Go there, why should I go there?. Ill let it go and let her explode there.
Scheue nicht Gefahr noch Leiden. Lebe nicht von vergangenen Herrlichkeiten. Liegt auch Stolz in der Erinnerung. Das Alte wird nicht wieder jung.. . ...die dich hassen.
(You must unlearn what you have learned). Your insecurity becomes you seen through a veil of untamed hate.. The compromised morals ill wade through compromising morals of your dreadful mistake..
(Pain has a face allow me to show it to you...). I cant believe my eyes! how can you do it to them you motherfucker? how can you live with yourself while they suffer? sooner or later you will fall, sooner or later your time will come. How can you pray upon their innocence hammer of justice crushes with a swiftness. I will bring about your death. How can you take away their innocence, their innocence youll destroy. How can you strip away their innoncence, their innoncence ill defend (till the death) How can you take away their innoncence their innoncence youll destroy. How can you strip away their innoncence their innoncence ill defend. Never ever will you partake again i will fight you tooth and nail until the end..
we all want to prepare you. the unbelievable is going to happen. it will linger in your mind forever. let this carry you wherever - wherever. . triggering the unconscious power.
Insieme a te io potrei. scoprire un mondo che non ho visto mai. lasciarmi andare come vorresti tu. prendere quota, planare gi. Insieme a me tu puoi. far nascere il sole ogni volta che vuoi.
Insieme a te io potrei. scoprire un mondo che non ho visto mai. lasciarmi andare come vorresti tu. prendere quota, planare gi. Insieme a me tu puoi. far nascere il sole ogni volta che vuoi.
Ogni giorno di pi la paura del buio se ne va. e come un treno che esce da una galleria. guardo il mondo con quella meraviglia. che assomiglia a te. Quando sento che hai nelle mani la stessa voglia mia.
Ci sono certi giorni che non mi va di uscire. mi chiudo solo in casa davanti alla tv, ma non la guardo pi. e aspetto fino a sera per tirarmi su, e poi volare ancora.
Lo so che tardi e stai dormendo. ma questa notte ho solamente te. lei non si fa trovare. e con i miei non parlo pi. Lo so che a volte ti ho ferito. che lei piaceva pure a te.
Baby, everything is all right. Uptight, out of sight. Baby, everything is all right. Uptight, out of sight. . I'm a poorman's son from across the railroad tracks.
I said upside down. You're turning me. You're giving love instinctively. Around and round you're turning me. . Upside down. Boy, you turn me. Inside out.
She's so kissable, huggable. Lovable, unbelievable. She's a mouthful of anything. And everything a man could want. . She ain't typical, she's unpredictable.
mmmmhhhh. Mungu aliumba dunia mapenzi tangu na tangu. yashanipiga sasa sinabudi nielewe. siwezi kung'ang'ania huenda sio fungu langu. japo nishida ila, nitabaki mwenyewe.
Caught in a Woodsleep. Miles Down the Crypts Beneath. Desert Sands lay Deep. Sworn to an Obscure Belief. . Shapes with Serpent Faces. Watchers in Deathwish Cry.
Thunder and Fire Raping the Sky. Lustfilled Desire The Weak Ones must Die. . Warriors of Death shall Rise Tonight. Coming to Kill the Morninglight. Nowhere to Hide your Time has Come.