Tell me that this isn't goodbye. Just holding you in my arms. There's too many reasons why. You must be the only one that I need. But can't keep you anymore.
I apologize, I think I have confused you. With my fure of fake tears, and my self-thrown pity parties. That hard road, does that story sound familiar ?.
The fat lady's finishing. The returns are diminishing. The triumph, the tragedy : a breathing dichotomy. It all looks the same to me. Revisionist history.
You never ask if I'm ok. The knife in my wrist will take your place. You're slipping farther away now. I'm starting to break, I can't take it. . The pressure is building inside of me.
teresa, do you want to listen to the ramones with me?. . we'll get something to drink, maybe ill come home with you. . believe me, theres no telling whats wrong with me,.
Kerrostalossa. ei tunne toisia. Jos haluut kontaktin. niin hankit grammarin. Levy soimaan. ja bassot kovempaa!. Karkeloikaa. naapurisi nhd saat!. Sitten jos niin ky.
Saan kielen nin. aivan nenn kii. Saan sormet nin. hyvin naksumaan. Saan silmt nin. liki toisiaan. Saan kielen nin. Saan sormet nin. kiinni sinuun. Jos niin tahdot, teen sen uudelleen.
Min tarvitsen jonkun joka kuuntelee mua. min tarvitsen jonkun johon turvautua. Min tarvitsen empaattisen ihmisen. Hn tarvitsee empaattisen ihmisen!. Min hnelle kaikki huolet kertoisin.
Ei oo kiire, ei oo hoppu. elmme me ns Tampereella. hmliset, hitaanlaiset. sydn ensin musta makkara. En tarvi Stadii, en tarvi Turkuu. en tarvi edes Hervantaa.
Nyt mekin teemme rappia. kun siit tulee tppi. Kai syyhytt jo nppi. lyd vhn clappia. Me tarkkailimme frendej. nekin seuraa trendej. Maalaiset on bndej.
She traps a velvet moth between her harmless hands. Then builds an atrium to perch on her night stand. She lays to watch her fly, attracted towards the light.
Makin' all these waves in. Wonder where the days went. I shouldn't think of you. Hope the feelings neutral. I'm seeing all you ?. Somehow don't see me ?.
Stick it in, pull it out, twist it.. Spread your information,. Tipper Gore.. Mount the situation,. Tipper Gore.. Penetrate these problems long and hard..
Stick it in.. (Pull it out). Stick it in.. (Pull it out). Stick it in.. (Pull it out). Stick it in.. TWIST IT!. . Spread your information,. Tipper Gore..
Thieves always feel ashamed. When there's nothing left worth stealing. You don't have to turn away. I know exactly what you're feeling. I can hear the screaming.