I know what time you will arrive. 'Cause l've been waiting for you every night. I know you can't see me. My heart skips a beat. . I hear footsteps down the hall.
She's a fat girl. You could never love that girl. You and all your skinny friends. makin' jokes at her expense. Cracks about her backside, its. resemblance to an elephant's.
I still dream about you now and then. Then I wonder why I am. I still see your body in my head. I remember laying in your bed. It'll never happen again.
What do we do?. What do you think we should do, Shreen?. What do you think about me and you?. . Today, I heard the song that was playing. When I first kissed you.
I'd like to see you every night and day. With sex in the way, I can't see a thing. And dream about you every night and day. With sex in the way, I can't see a thing.
Self righteous crusader, don't care what you don't do. You talk the straight edge but you walk the crooked mile. Don't misjudge me 'cause I ain't on trial.
Meidnkin panosta tarvitaan. Suomea yls nostamaan. Joten kulutusta suuntaamaan. kotimaiseen tavaraan. Mennn me kaupasta hakemaan. suomalaista keppanaa.
Min olen kyll paljon nhnyt. Oslostakin olen kortin saanut:. "Hyvin meni, kivat ilmat, vuonoja, komeaa maisemaa.". Min olen kirjastossa kynyt. Hyvin tunnen monet matkaoppaat.
Syit on tietenkin todella paljon. tss nyt aluksi joitakin. Uskon ett psette mukaan. kun tutkitte tarkkaan noitakin. Se on aika huonoa!. eik se ole kovin hyv!.
Stupito di te. . Babe, sei cos bella stasera.. Sono stupito, come un bambino. . Mi sembra irreale, sembra una bugia. Come la neve che cade per magia..
Looking at my unfold curtains,. Staring at my window,. Oh I'm in trouble. She's got a hold on me. . Pre Chorus:. . Yeah I'm chained, In the closet of my heart's boundaries.
Supreme lifestyle. The one I used to hate. The one I used to drive away. My dream stay awhile. I can't concentrate. I pray you never relate. I see your wicked smile.
So you finally fessed up to her. All the lies you said. Now you kindly kiss up to her. But the feeling's dead. Several days have passed now. Darker than any damn cloud now.