Cunning, Baffling, Powerful. Been beaten to a pulp. Vigorous, Irresistable. Sick and tired and laid low. Dominating, Invisible. Black-out, loss of control.
Slaves to the King of Kings. And slaves to love. Steer the ship by the sweat. Of our brow and beat of the drum. . War against sin with the weapons of our unity.
Return to the earth. Rain on black clouds. Return to the earth. Return to birth. . Wasn't technically perfect. Couldn't have been any better. Was the fall worth it?.
Related. . 23 One Hit Wonders You Still Can't Get Out Of Your Head. . Watch Cardi B Joins James Corden For Carpool Karaoke. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist.
When i found the point of life. It came creeping towards me. In the shape of eyes. . It was all this reimagined. It was a different kind of speak. It was repitition.
Rise... From Siberia he rises. Monk... Whose visions of the future will be told. Soon... His fame reaches out to the throne. Aid... To the Czar's son will come down.
Indeed I still believe this world will never defeat me. Through hell and fire and you still can't burn me. I won't let you into this heart again. I swear this oath to bury you all.
Sink your teeth into delicate skin. Armour that hides your thoughts for all this eternity. A clean break that will never heal. Is this the pain that was felt every day?.
On my quest, my flashing sword. And my hand takes hold on judgement. I will take vengeance upon mine enemies. And I will appeal those who hate me. Oh Lord.
We're hated, we're bleeding. We're loving, you're losing. Our lives are all about to change. . We're hated, we're bleeding. We're loving, you're losing.
Blindfolded only. To hear blank words of crooked smiles. Crawling out of my skin. To see a broken reflection of myself. Sacrifices at the altar. Pull the trigger.
Interpret data to fit your belief. That is the nature of humanity. You have become now your own biggest threat. I am anointed the saviour of men. . The righteous master of all they will see.
Related. . 27 Best Ever Songs From Movie Soundtracks. . Watch Cardi B Joins James Corden For Carpool Karaoke. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist.
When the yellow dies under the velvet thoughts. Blood-bubbles nestled in thorns. . I have travelled through suns,. And the darkness of the end. Now I surrender to the void.
Related. . 15 Huge Stars Who Were Backup Singers First. . Watch Cardi B Joins James Corden For Carpool Karaoke. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist.
O, Rus' - zemlya velikaya,. Vorogom razbitaya,. Vstan' i probudis'. O, voiny bessmertnyye,. Vashi styagi vernyye. Podymutsya vvys'!.. . V pole okrovavlennom.
Time has come,. I know the walls around me,. I've covered every inch.. I know they're calling to me.. I'm bleeding minutes, seconds, days into this place..
Related. . The 18 Greatest Revenge Songs of All Time. . Watch Cardi B Joins James Corden For Carpool Karaoke. . From MetroLyrics to You: Our Classic Christmas Playlist.
Reap the day. You're left with regret. Sleep your way, you're free. Render a purpose to be at ease. Find out who you want to be. . Restless. Compress the day.
There is a place beyond the dreamworlds,. Past the womb of night,. Lying in wait beyond the barriers of light,. Shunned by the living, cursed by the dead.