Quiet Day. I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said. Quiet Day. In my head. Shouldn't stay upon. Couldn't stay in bead on a. Quiet Day. In my head. Please don't be afraid.
On change de cavalier. On change de partenaire. Mais on ne sait plus danser. Que comme des solitaires. On nous sent à plein nez. Ça se voit à notre air.
(Tom Z/ Os Mutantes). Chegue perto de mim. No precisa falar. Acenda o meu cigarro. No queira me agradar. No decida nem pense. No negue nem se oferea. No queira se guardar.
O que você vai ser quando crescer?. O que a gente vai fazer quando se ver, de novo?. O que será que acontece pra gente, um dia, não se querer mais?. Eu só queria um pouco de paz.
Met you for the first time late last week. Came to dinner, it could've been bleak. But I held back. Held myself on track. . Question of etiquette. Or maybe just regret.
I wait for the pain. It always comes again. And I don't know why. And I don't care why. Anymore. . Saved in the end. By an almost friend. And I don't know why.
Me ests enredando el alma. y en mi alma yo te llevo,. me han vendido la esperanza. esos ojos traicioneros.. . que me miraron. y fueron directos. al centro de mi corazn..
Maldita sea la noche. En la que la conocí. Ahora vivo atrapado. Esa mujer no me deja vivir. Malditos sean sus ojos. Sus gestos, su boca. Ese beso que me desarmó.
En la playa del sarao. vive una morena. que me tiene atao.. . A las curvas de su cuerpo,. al descaro sexy de sus movimientos.. . Dios bendito, que puedo hacer.
Prende la moto.... despierta. se que has venido a disfrutar. sabes que yo te lo voy a dar. y te va a gustar con tu permiso. yo te lo pido. que suba. vamos a prender la gozadera.
He stares back, he glares back at the eye of the vicious storm. he's holding on defiantly 'cause he won't give up his decency. not sucked in by evil nonsense.
If we only had. If we only had more time. Then I could separate the secrets from the shame. And I would free the memories from the plain. . What am I running from and for how long?.
One thing I want to assure them,. If they think I'm gonna change or compromise. My attitude and my way of life or. In my expression or in my goal. What's politics.