Flow La Discoteca 2. D-J Nel-son. It's me. The Z. Perfect Melody. Nelflow. Bienvenidos a mi dimensin. Puerto Rico. Latinos Stand Up!. . Que pasara. Si tuvo que irme de mi.
Dime lo que sientes por mi. (La realidad es que yo no me atrevi a decirte nada). Ehh, yo poko a poko me enamoro de ti. (Hoy estoy aki para decirtelo de frente).
I will clean and cover my windows. 'Cos I don't want to see where the wind blows. I'll love it, I'll covet another one's idol. Because I am the queen of denial.
Chorus:. . muchos años han pasado. so many days thema pass but there nothing ever change no. muchos planes se han tratado. so many plans have been made up to break out your control.
There is a place where i can hide. He comes to meet me there. There in that hour, i can let go. Be myself once more. . There in that place, the waters flow.