She left me just the other night. Came back the very next day. I decided to drink some wine. Cause I couldn't get my way. Oh I said I'm gonna leave. But I guess I'm gonna stay.
Well, I don't need too much persuasion. When I'm in your arms this way. Well, I don't need a sense of occasion. I'm ready any day. . Well, just tell me your location.
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea. And frolicked in the autumn mist. in a land called Honnah Lee. Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff. And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff, oh!.
I can't swim, let's dive again. into another screen. I could scream but the silence. is the best scene. I can print, this picture won't tell you. what I mean.
Party in the kremlin. People seein' red. Lenin got the elbow. It's a different mob instead. Party in the kremlin. It's the only place to be. You better wear your rolex.
When I saw you I was not even lookin'. I heard you scream without raising your voice. Will I run or let you have your fun. I feel like I ain't got a choice.
No me tienes que impresionar. Ni que seguir la corriente. Voy a apearme aquí. En la orilla del presente. Donde el hombre se asfixia. Escribe un testamento en Chile.
Pot I need pot. you stupid fuckin hippy shits. out of dope so throw a fit. pot. pot is good for my lungs. it helps me grow cancer scums. pot. tie dye shirts are really neat.
Could this be the end? Alert the media. Holler out message sent, and pass the bottle now. I'll wreck today not unlike the way you saw me yesterday. I'll wreck today and double over laughing with the pain.
Each day you say that you can't forget it. Happiness' way is in your own backyard. It could be yours, but you'll never let it. I know you try, but you try too hard.
There's gonna be a yellow moon tonight. Don't leave the light on. Beads of swaet running down my face. You can catch them with your tongue. Colours run up and down your body.
Todo o amor que nos prendera. Como de fora de cera. Se quebrava e desfazia.. Ai funesta primavera,. Quem me dera, quem nos dera. Ter morrido nesse dia..
Povo que lavas no rio. que talhas com o teu machado. as tábuas do meu caixão. . Povo que lavas no rio. que talhas com o teu machado. as tábuas do meu caixão.