A hamlet lord had taken me in. He was an elder lacking kin. His wing was mentorous and protective. The celestial erudition he was about to share. . As a boy i'd learned much on my own.
Hatred and destruction: the fists of revelation. Singular vision of escaping human misery. Wanton self-evolution, combined with indescribable power. The planet once of millions upon billions is reduced to cosmic dust..
My eyes are bloodshot,. Blinded from the foil,. Sick from the nuclear waste.. . I see you rising,. Everything is wasted,. Now it's time to dig in and survive..
[M & L: Thomas Eriksson]. . Just as I predicted it would go. We will never see the light again. . Is this what all belived in?. Our future has lost its meaning.
Run fast, run faster. behind the shadow. of yourself. . To keep your breath on. Not to fail the failure's infamy. Even when the sun lights. I won't close my eyes.
[l:Gama m:Salles]. . Whence does so much devastation come from?. Deceit, hatred, delusions,. Creating bonds of disunion.. All that will be left is a great loss..
The reign of earth will end here utterly. And by the eye of Ra behold its final doom.. The nightless sky burns home and field,. As some try desperately to flee into the moon..
Perdida en el tiempo , en un reino, en un lugar. a una aldea llegaban las fuerzas del mal. los viejos queran huir, huir lejos de all, de su hogar no, no, no..
-Veo amanecer,. siento el mal. invadiendo mi cuerpo.. Lejos puedo ver,. entre niebla, soldados y acero.-. . No intentes huir,. no muestres temor,. tu sangre dars con valor..
Radiante y bello amanecer. Aqu te tengo al fin. La oscuridad me impeda ver. Quizs tu luz me ilumine. . Trato de entender, debo comprender. Qu es lo que ha hecho conmigo.
I've been waiting for such a long time. and I didn't care there was nothing left to lose. I couldn't find the sense of my life. until the day when you appeared.
Can you imagine, to live your life without fear. No pain just pleasure, no attack from the rear?. . Keep on believin', in the things that you can't see.
verflucht der tag, da ich geboren ward. verflucht die nacht, in der ich sah. wie sein und schein wurden mein. wo ich wandle ist nicht mehr. was einmal war.
If my senses won't come to me. I better come to my senses. But I can't. I'm too scared of being scared. . Like saving cancer-mice from labs. Or half-eaten flies from cobwebs.
The autumn sun is restrained to wither. as the winter assumes with its pale pride. . The last of life is smothered. Only the remembrance of a season's departure is left behind.
Power, not participation, the wise rule the strong, the strong rule the weak and so on. Power, not participation, if we rule their thinking, our dominant quest can begin.
On the east a new light rise again. From darkness. Let stars, daughters of heavens. The path will shining for a man. They are alight together. And fly about from one place.
I remember it all. The magnificent gardens. Groves of flowered trees. As I sit on the ocean floor. Longing for distant shores. How did it come to this?.