Las niñas ya no comen chuches, ahora comen pollas. Van a la moda con Samblancat, doce años y ya follan. No es normal, pero es lo que ahora se lleva. Como papá no les deja llevar piercing se lo ponen de pega.
Wow, look at that pint, you're a very kinky girl,. Is not it, if if your intention is given to you,. that's what you want, Oh, you're a flirt and a. slut, you die of want and do not mind who.
Ya yo me cansé, no quiero ser tu amante,. Te digo de mí parte,. . Que no aguanto mas.... Ya no aguanto ver el otro como dice. Que es el dueño tuyo. Me mata el orgullo,.
Arone. . Soy el arone y con el micronone. debo el rony con estudios el de santa producciones. le damos alto le damos tacto. que fluya como cuando las lobas aullan es el pacto.
buenas tardes tenga usted señorita. le escribo por bonita. le escribo para pactar con usted una cita. me mantendré dispuesto. ojalá conteste por supuesto.
Endecah:. Sabéis quién es mi ídolo? mi ídolo soy yo,. soñamos cada día con ser quién no somos hoy,. subimos y bajamos, bajamos y subimos,. escalamos peldaños para ver quién es mejor..
Aha, yeaaah !, yeah!. 2.008, 2.008. Porta, Christian. Naiara, how does this sound?. h0linaight in your fuc*** face. are, are, are. . [Chorus]. And we do not stop us.
All you hear in this musical work,. everything you perceive,. only is the product of your imagination .... Nothing is real.. Here is no trick. I spit, I'll stop mourning.
Todas las historias tienen un final y no es feliz;. quizá me equivoqué pensando en un futuro junto a ti.. Y sé que no se puede cambiar nada ya,. paso de rayadas porque ni siquiera ya me quedan ganas..
This right dude, let's make things clear right now ". . [MiZoK]. Yea! I am seventeen and penetrate your experience,. if the emergency operation, the judge who judges and sentencing.
Wow, look at that pint, you're a very kinky girl,. Is not it, if if your intention is given to you,. that's what you want, Oh, you're a flirt and a. slut, you die of want and do not mind who.
Despierto sin ganas de otro día, y será el último. pocos me creen, hoy llega mi edén. lo asumo y ni dudo, lo juro. de corazón, advierte mi alma muerta.
Aquí no hay truco, discrepo con tu magia de instituto. pon las cartas en la mesa ni me inmuto,. yo fruto mi esencia ahora las diferencias bastan. disfruto como niño cuando prueba su primer canuto y ya está,.
Nights in white satin. Never reaching the end. Letters I've written. . Related. . Songs That Will Make You Cry Uncontrollably. . Love Stinks, So Here Are 15 Anti-Valentine's Day Songs.
The dark cloak of winter's war. Left a future still unsure. Sitting in a class. Of the future's past. We saw a list of dates. And we knew we would last.
Related. . 23 Boy Band Slow Jams That Made You Believe In Love. . Love Stinks, So Here Are 15 Anti-Valentine's Day Songs. . Modern Love: The Best Top 40 Love Songs For Valentine's Day.
Pain, sorrow, tears. Long, lonely years. With love. Having passed me by. I could live a lie for you. But truth is the road I choose. Knowing all I need to do.
Well I've had dreams enough for one. And I've got love enough for three. I have my hopes to comfort me. I got my new horizons out to sea. . But I'm never going to lose your precious gift.
Nice to be here hope you agree. Lying in the sun. Lovely weather, must climb a tree. The show has just begun. . All the leaves start swaying. To the breeze that's playing.
Related. . The 18 Greatest Revenge Songs of All Time. . Love Stinks, So Here Are 15 Anti-Valentine's Day Songs. . Modern Love: The Best Top 40 Love Songs For Valentine's Day.