In your dreams, does everything seem.... Black and white?...Dark as night?. Does morning seem far away?. Cold and damp?.... Racing back to where your world is safe.
Around unbroken circle, listening to oracle. Campfire is glowing true blood red. Loved ones and family far away. We're getting closer every day. . Our New Discovery will change the future of the world.
Quema mi casa es una prision. Estamos rodeados por la corrupcion. Quema mi dinero! Manana ya no valdra!. No queremos un gobernante. . Nadie cree en el sistema.
This was once a beautiful place, but now it's dead, we killed it long ago.. With dusted eyes and dry mouths we are trying to survive.. We're exposed to the nuclear sun, can't breathe in the sour air and all.
The subjects of sleep. Their faces once awake. on sodomy and death. and smoke and laughter. their feet no longer. underground. . The snow hides the traces.
Naar vinteren tar bitter fart. Og steiner sprekker I frostklar natt. Ved svarte tjern under naken li. Da er villmarken vond aa ferdes I. . Vi befarer store sletter.
Not afraid of looking back. Not afraid of what I lack. I'm not afraid of just moving on. Not afraid of the dark. Not afraid to leave a mark. I'm not afraid of what's gone.
What happened to all the great leaders. The ideals that they believed. They have all died and perished. With ideas that they conceived. . What happened to the great war hero.
Living in a daydream is the way some people live. Stubborn in their ways, no compromise to give. Locking out the real world, letting nothing in. Believing that the world is bad and evil is within.
Magical gris-gris and mojo bag. Ason rattle, Tongue of Dan. . In he Badji a sacred alter room. So begins the ritual of the dead man's tomb. Superstition where it's been said.
Got a strange situation. I think that something's going down. I hear it being whispered. The rumour's out all over town. You see I got a little lady. Who I ain't been treatin' right.
Insanity look for yourself, satan rules this world. destruction he is the source he is after your soul. To save us from the hellish pain, God sent Jesus Christ.
No mires artas. Siguiendo tu estrella. Podras encontrar. Universos llenos de felicidad. . No mires atras. Podras encontrar. Universos llenos de felicidad y amor.
Se despierta fri en la noche, el sudor cae por su piel. Sabes que todo es mentira tu vida es pura ficcin. Esto es un callejn pero. . Nunca, no digas nunca.
El primer vado has dado ya,. Y te sientes un heroe,. A tus amigos contaras. Que estas exagerando.. . Y preparas en tu mente. Un nuevo trabajo,. A la salida del portal.
Si tengo algo que perder. Por ser como hay que ser. Si las palabras ya no sirven ni para convencer. Cuando el odio vence al amor. Yo que puedo hacer. Cuando una mano mata a un milln.
Ojos negros, pelo negro,. Cuerpo de mujer,. Vives la vida haciendo esclavos. Por donde tu vas.. . Traicionando sentimientos. Juegas con el amor,. Juegas sucio sin saber.
Uno, dos, un dos tres. . Unas cuantas copas de mas me tome. Y todo bailaba al son de mis pies. A ti te quiero hablar no pareces escuchar. Sonries y te vas a otro lugar..