我從來不說話. 因為我害怕 沒有人回答. 我從來不掙扎. 因為我知道 這世界太大. . 太多時間浪費 太多事要面對. 太多已無所謂 太多難辨真偽. 太多紛擾是非 在你身邊是誰. . 最渺小的我 有大大的夢. 時間向前走一定只有路口沒有盡頭. 紛紛擾擾這個世界 所有的了解. . Related. . 27 Best Ever Songs From Movie Soundtracks.
我從來不說話. 因為我害怕 沒有人回答. 我從來不掙扎. 因為我知道 這世界太大. . 太多時間浪費 太多事要面對. 太多已無所謂 太多難辨真偽. 太多紛擾是非 在你身邊是誰. . 最渺小的我 有大大的夢. 時間向前走一定只有路口沒有盡頭. 紛紛擾擾這個世界 所有的了解. . Related. . 27 Best Ever Songs From Movie Soundtracks.
I was waiting for someone to call my name. You said a million strangers feel the same. The weight of the world,. resting only in my head. Was all black and white,.
This time I'll try to love again. I'll never lose you my friend. I'll be there till the end. Forever. This time I'll take the happy pill. Chew off more than I can spill.
I know I can be a little stubborn sometimes. I must say, a little righteous and too proud. I just want to find a way to compromise. 'Cause I believe that we can work things out.
I do not want anyone, anyone who really wants me. Every one that I desire, wants to be with someone else.... I find it so amusing.. Isn't that the way it goes? I'm a blip on someone's radar.
Oh oh yeah yeah. . I've been broken, shut down and useless. Feet above me hands in the air. You got me falling over and over. You got me twisted tied up and tangled.
Listen all you people. All you lonely and deserted. The departed. And the broken-hearted. I've got time for you. You can call your friends. For we're headed on a journey.
Light... it flickers. Your light. Travelling down so deep. Illumination. . I have been cold, I have been blind. You have come to change my mind. I can put my faith in you.
Related. . 23 One Hit Wonders You Still Can't Get Out Of Your Head. . HOT SONG: TWICE - 'Feel Special' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: Miley Cyrus - 'Slide Away' - LYRICS.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart. But the very next day you gave it away. And this year to save me from tears. I'll give it to someone special. Well last Christmas I gave you my heart.
Related. . 18 Non-Traditional Yet Perfect Wedding Songs. . HOT SONG: TWICE - 'Feel Special' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: Miley Cyrus - 'Slide Away' - LYRICS.
Les yeux dans le vide. Elle me regarde passer. Dans le creux de ses rides. Moi, j'ai trébuché. Ça me fait mal au bide. Sa belle gueule cassée. Comme une étoile livide.
J'ai passé bien trop de temps, à vouloir la trouver.. Elle est arrivée comme une enfant, plus la peine de la chercher. Madame et ses belles phrases oh, se font désirer..
Related. . The 18 Greatest Revenge Songs of All Time. . HOT SONG: TWICE - 'Feel Special' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: Miley Cyrus - 'Slide Away' - LYRICS.
Y'a des gens du voyage, y'a des gens qui voyagent. Des gens qui restent et des gens de passage. Et y'a des gens qui planent et ceux qui touchent le fond.
Suzy, Suzy ce type c'était qui? Dans sa jeep cherokee. T'es bizarre et t'es louche Suzy mentir, rend ta peau rouge. Suzy c'est toi qu'allumais c'mec et son calumet.
Toi l'attrape-rêves, tu le sais bien ouais. Comme l'on vit on rêve. Comme l'on rêve on devient. . Toi qui veille sur nos nids. Je te dis merci petit morceau de lune.
Elle habite Paris depuis moins de 3 mois. Mais elle à déjà tout, le mode d'emploi. Elle emploie tout plein de mots que je connais pas. Roule en Vespa.
I was brought up in the front row. That fire and brimstone. Old school reverend, straight and narrow. Man I always had a thing for the path less traveled.