Con el paso del tiempo caen los años. Con los años te haces de experiencia. Y un chino siempre sabio. Sabe aguantar la tormenta. Y en nuevos tiempos de guerra.
Wo sind all die Indianer hin. Wann verlor das große Ziel den Sinn. . Dieses alte Bild aus der Kinderzeit. Zeigt alle Brüder vom Stamm der Gerechtigkeit.
Sie stand mitten im Leben. hat das Glück angelacht. für den Mann und die Kinder. die treibende Kraft. . Sie war liebenswert. freundlich. was man herzensgut nennt.
Du wehrst Dich gegen jeden tiefen Blick. und jedem Wort, das Dir zu nah kommt. weichst Du aus.. Ich hab'geredet, hab'mich Dir erzählt. Ich traue Dir. doch Du bleibst hochgeschlossen.
Seltsam im Nebel zu wandern. seltsam so allein. kein Mensch sieht den andern. er hört ihn nur rufen und schrein. keiner ist weise. der nicht das Dunkel kennt.
Er plapperte schon Worte. wie es kleine Leute tun. Alles schien in Ordnung und. gesund. doch damit nicht mal ganz zwei. Jahren. blieb seine Sprache stumm.
Ein gebrochener Arm, ein gebrochenes Herz. mitten im Höhenflug ein Häufchen Elend.. Dann diese Augen, dein Blick. bringt die Wende, bringt mir Glück. Hast mich getröstet, hast mich gepflegt..
I'm filled with joy joy joy,. Unspeakable joy. When I talk to Father God.. Unspeakable joy.. Joy joy joy.. Unspeakable joy.. He has my heart, body, and soul..
I'm filled with joy joy joy,. Unspeakable joy. When I talk to Father God.. Unspeakable joy.. Joy joy joy.. Unspeakable joy.. He has my heart, body, and soul..
For the want of a marker. The doctors lost their place. For the want of a cut-line. They couldn't lift his face. For the want of a face lift. His ratings dropped.
For the want of a marker. The doctors lost their place. For the want of a cut-line. They couldn't lift his face. For the want of a face lift. His ratings dropped.
As we lift up our hands. Will you meet us here?. As we call on your name. Will you meet us here?. We have come to this place. To worship you. God of mercy and grace.
As we lift up our hands. Will you meet us here. As we call on your name. Will you meet us here. We have come to this place. to worship You. God of Mercy and Grace.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,. When sorrows like sea billows roll;. Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,. It is well, it is well with my soul..
Rise up and shine, oh nation of Israel. Don't you know you are the apple of His eye. Rise up in power, you chosen people. It's time for you to take your wings and fly.
So much wonder carved in Your coral seas. So much wonder shaded by ancient trees. I consider all Your hands have made. Every newborn? s eyes, every new sunrise.
Rise up and shine, oh nation of Israel. Don't you know you are the apple of His eye. Rise up in power, you chosen people. It's time for you to take your wings and fly.
We have raised our hopes and our cities high. We have followed fragile dreams. But only one could take the measure of our goals. . And we've stumbled over the trials of life.
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Related. . Songs You Love If You Love Nerds. . Love Stinks, So Here Are 15 Anti-Valentine's Day Songs. . Modern Love: The Best Top 40 Love Songs For Valentine's Day.