Related. . The Best Karaoke Songs Ever, Ranked. . POPULAR SONG: Travis Scott 'HIGHEST IN THE ROOM' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: DaBaby - 'Vibez' - LYRICS.
Related. . Songs You Love If You Love Nerds. . POPULAR SONG: Travis Scott 'HIGHEST IN THE ROOM' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: DaBaby - 'Vibez' - LYRICS. . Check Out.
Related. . 18 Non-Traditional Yet Perfect Wedding Songs. . POPULAR SONG: Travis Scott 'HIGHEST IN THE ROOM' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: DaBaby - 'Vibez' - LYRICS.
Related. . Songs That Will Make You Cry Uncontrollably. . POPULAR SONG: Travis Scott 'HIGHEST IN THE ROOM' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: DaBaby - 'Vibez' - LYRICS.
All these niggas falling off they ain't falling back. I'm counting money momentarily imma call you back. You told the pigs you was present that's what we call a rat (yeah).
Longwinded, running through this life like it was mine. Never settling, but setting every goal high. One thousand burpees on the path to my own destruction or success.
Du bist ein niemand, wenn du heute keine Kohle hast,. eure brave Jugend sitzt mit 15 Jahren schon im Knast,. ihr schickt die Polizei weil jeder 2.Drogen hat, doch ihr braucht euch gar nicht wundern (nein),.
Refrain:. . Ich bin deutscher HipHop und brüll alles aus der Seele raus. Die Kugeln reissen uns zu Boden doch wir stehen wieder auf. Ich bin fast verblutet auf dem langen Weg ins Krankenhaus.
Related. . The 18 Greatest Revenge Songs of All Time. . POPULAR SONG: Travis Scott 'HIGHEST IN THE ROOM' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: DaBaby - 'Vibez' - LYRICS.
Related. . The 18 Greatest Revenge Songs of All Time. . POPULAR SONG: Travis Scott 'HIGHEST IN THE ROOM' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: DaBaby - 'Vibez' - LYRICS.
Related. . The 18 Greatest Revenge Songs of All Time. . POPULAR SONG: Travis Scott 'HIGHEST IN THE ROOM' - LYRICS. . NEW SONG: DaBaby - 'Vibez' - LYRICS.
可惜沒如果. . 製作人:許環良. . 假如把犯得起的錯 能錯的都錯過. 應該還來得及去悔過. . 假如沒把一切說破. 那一場小風波 將一笑帶過. . 在感情面前 講什麼自我. 要得過且過 才好過. . 全都怪我. 不該沉默時沉默 該勇敢時軟弱. 如果不是我 誤會自己灑脫 讓我們難過. 可當初的你 和現在的我 假如重來過.
*eating chips*. Yo whats up everybody. normaly i would start this album off by talking like im doing now. but insteed i will start of with some old school cartoon theme song type shit.
Nigga what the fuck? (what the fuck?). Homie I made you rich, paid your rent (damn right). Biting the hand that was feeding you. This shit don't make any sense.
So open up the door for me. So open up the door for me. Hurry up and let me in. Then pass me the dessert. Yo, H-izzo P. Stepped in the dizzo. Wit a mean mug and a magnificent flizzo.
Nigga what the fuck? (what the fuck?). Homie I made you rich, paid your rent (damn right). Biting the hand that was feeding you. This shit don't make any sense.
I remember the first time you overdosed. A fucking overload on meth, paramedics saved your ass, you was close to ghost. You never did know which road to go.
It's us, find power. Live life, mind power. It's us, find power. Life live, mind power. . Related. . Can You Guess The Song By The Emojis?. . POPULAR SONG: Travis Scott 'HIGHEST IN THE ROOM' - LYRICS.
Nigga what the fuck? (what the fuck?). Homie I made you rich, paid your rent (damn right). Biting the hand that was feeding you. This shit don't make any sense.
Check it, I used to be the goofy man you hounded. The Special Ed kid at lunchtime the bitches wouldn't stand around with. I would jack off so much back at my parents' house.