Tonight. Gotta take these records off the shelf. Play somethin' special for yourself. It's over now. Gotta leave your troubles far behind. Or just enough to ease your mind.
Jajajajajaja-Jazzy. Hvor hvor hvor cool ka en hvid mand bli' (2x). . Forfulgt af multirim,. Der stimler sammen og køler af. Og laver koldfront i systemet på den varme sommerdag.
Jeg var en drengerøv, det var stilen engang. Dem jeg kendte kørte den hårdt når vi hang. Men da de andre fik travlt kørte jeg stilen endnu. Jeg så dem blive gamle så hurtigt de ku'.
Når pladen er på gaden, så er det knald eller fald. For vores etter den gik fedt og vi fik ædelt metal. Ja, vi fik rapmusik til at ligge oppe på top 10.
Baby, holler if you want me. Baby, holler if you want me. Baby, holler if you want me. Baby, holler if you want me. . It ain't nothing just call my name.
[Telephone:]. Pick up the phone:. Umm Hmmm. Baby Pick up the phone. . [Chorus]. I'm all alone. Baby pick up the phone (Baby pick up the phone). And call a brotha some time (Call a brotha some time).
Pick up your microphones ha ha. Pick up your microphones. . How many mic's do we rip on the daily. Say me say Many moni, Say me say many, many, many. How many mic's do we rip on the daily.