Crawled across this glass, slept on these nails. Dissapointment never fails. These blood shot eyes focus on your flaws. Now reach for the shortest straw.
A balm in your hands, it has begun to hide.. Once more, (left as) the one awake, a script knotted in a hand.. Absent and building, and looming in the air.
It is a familiar place that the road leads toward.. Forever dying and stripped of all but nothing and fed to nothing.. Wide eye cannot see the beyond,.
Looking up to the sky for a sign. In retrospect all visions failed time after time. Behind the mask, inside the mind. Another martyre crucified. Walls of endless mystery.
Like a whirlwind of neon through empty streets. The crusader forever races. A message he brings to the chosen one. On the wings of a fire-spitting dragon.
It's very cold on the edge I'm standing alone counting footsteps. Which will lead me to the bottom of life.. Sun is gone even the stars are not shining anymore....
A lonely place to go. An empty space of soul. A breeze that whispers words. To my heart. . I see the lights go down. The echoes in the hall. But life is just like this.
I won't listen to your lies any longer. Stop making excuses when you. Know damn well you're wrong. Just come to fucking' grips with your reality. Your words have plagued me all my life.
I told you once. Don't make me tell you again. Stop hanging around. Fantisizing that your some kind of friend. . You've had your chance. This life belongs to me.
The eternal abyss. Had called me back again. Where your thirst for death. Had never quenched. Deceiving myself into thinking. I could still help you. While that demoniacal force.
Stay close to us and look at the decadent world. Follow us in this unknown who scares you. Find the answers you didn't dare to find. Forget all prejudices, erase all their lies.
From his darkest desires. From hate caused by his suffering. From his horde of faithfuls in trance. From his thirst of blood and death. Will be born a storm of torpor.
Scott is huge. He'll make your ass ache. He'll make you listen. To Lawnmower Deth. . He's getting out his Sodom lps. Your ass is hurt. He'll make you suck.
Your kids are gonna fry like bacon. (Baby mummies). No, you understand me fine!. (Ancient Slavonics). Read this back to me,. I'll give you a straight A..
The Christian science fund is why. One in three people in Africa have AIDS. Help fund queer missionary workers'. Paedophilia rape vacations. . Fuckin' the slaves of God's charity.
We have psychedelic shotguns. Mystical weapons for Hindus. Buddhists, Jews and Christians.
They matched the D.N.A. from the spit. On the stamp on the mailed package. And the typewriter. Had the same characteristic markings. . We learn from other's mistakes.
A paper clip base in the late 1940's. Camp Hero, a tribute to time traveling Horus. Stationed on top of an undersea mountain. A piece of Atlantis where Montauks are pharaohs.