Esta tristeza mía, este dolor, tan grande. Los llevo más profundos, pues me han dejado, solo. En el mundo. Ya, ni llorar es bueno, cuando, no hay esperanza.
Tout est sale, sale, sale. Dans ton journal. Tellement sale. Ca t' laisse des traces sur les doigts. . Tout est moche, moche, moche. Mais tu t'en laves les mains.
Loving is so good when we're having fun. There's a silence where I'm from. Nobody knows when they were young. Boys take them out, girls laugh and love.
Embrace me, my sweet embraceable you!. Embrace me, you irreplaceable you!. . Just one look at you. My heart grew tipsy in me,. You and you alone. Bring out the gypsy in me!.
East of the sun and west of the moon. We'll build a dream house of love dear. Close to the sun in the day. Near to the moon at night. We'll live in a lovely way dear.
Embrace me, my sweet embraceable you!. Embrace me, you irreplaceable you!. . Just one look at you. My heart grew tipsy in me,. You and you alone. Bring out the gypsy in me!.
Emily, Emily, Emily. Has the murmuring sound of may. All silver bells, coral shells, carousels. And the laughter of children at play. . Say Emily, Emily, Emily.
¿Porqué no vienes?. ¿Porqué sigues llamándome?. Y como lo siento. Ah, y como lo siento. ¿Porqué te apareces?. Si sabes que no quiero mas de ti. ¿Qué es lo que quieres?.
Y es que no has estado en love. Hasta no ver estrellas. Reflejadas en el panteón. . Y es que no has estado en love. Hasta no ver el amanecer. Detrás detrás del asilo.
Cuando la pena cae sobre mi. el mundo dejará de existir,. miro hacia atrás y busco. entre mis recuerdos. Para encontrar la niña que fui. y algo de todo lo que perdÃ.
Entre más lejos me vaya. Más me acuerdo yo de ti. Entre más sea la distancia. Más te quiero junto a mi. . Yo quisiera olvidarte. Y acabar con mi sufrir.
I used to have a perfect sweetheart. Not a real one, just a dream. A wonderful vision of us as a team. Can you imagine how I feel now. Love is real now, it's ideal.
El que pierde a una mujer no sabe lo que gana. Pues si se nos va un querer, otro vendrá mañana. Dale amor a una mujer y verás como te paga. O te engaña o te empalaga o se busca otro querer.
Before you leave these portals. To meet less fortunate mortals. There's just one final message. I would give to you. You all have learned reliance. On the sacred teachings of science.
Every time we say goodbye, I die a little. Every time we say goodbye, I wonder why a little. Why the gods above me, who must be in the know. Think so little of me that they allow you go.
Embrace me, my sweet embraceable you!. Embrace me, you irreplaceable you!. . Just one look at you. My heart grew tipsy in me,. You and you alone. Bring out the gypsy in me!.
Embrace me, my sweet embraceable you!. Embrace me, you irreplaceable you!. . Just one look at you. My heart grew tipsy in me,. You and you alone. Bring out the gypsy in me!.
Embrace me, my sweet embraceable you!. Embrace me, you irreplaceable you!. . Just one look at you. My heart grew tipsy in me,. You and you alone. Bring out the gypsy in me!.
Sometimes Im right then I can be wrong. My own beliefs are in my songs. A butcher, a banker, a drummer and then. Makes no difference what group I'm in.
Foi ela que me convidou. Fui eu que não soube chegar. Foi ela que me maltratou. Fui eu que não soube chorar. Andei sete léguas de amor. Chorei sete litros de mar.