Black stars shine on the ancient fortified town. The sun invisible or since long down?. Over the dismal landscape. . Above Carcosa. No sound, only the wind sighed.
Look at you, fastened by sheltering blanket. Did you think I'd forget how. sweet you taste, nay my umbrageous heart still yearns for you, and still to.
Death Messiah. You're the one. Occult dreams. aren't your goal. Why you preach the Black Book. When handcuffs & whips are. Your game. Death Messiah. Your religion.
It's been after me. In this place. A pleasant threat perfect void. Stuck in modality. With all this damage beyond repair. . When all our time fades away.
I'm chewing my tongue. It makes it so numb. My lower coverings. House many children. So many piercings. I can't stop bleeding. Trails are all I see. Can't help being me.
Hey I want your skin to get me off. You make it sound so fucking pure. I'll bring you down and make you scream. Take in what you once thought was hate.
You bury me in hills of sand. lie by lie you took my hand. the promises you made to me. now bury me as grains of sand. . I'll rip the teeth from the beast.
See her looking down at us. She's so much higher I cannot reach. Her beauty dazzles me with its power. I try to pull at something deeper inside. But my hands reach out into cold emptiness.
What's wrong with him?. He looks dead.. . Abbraccio la morte, perche e un dono.. Lascia andare la vita.. Abbandona questo tempo.. Niente piu sofferenza..
Decir no a la droga. es negar a Dios.. Dijo el droguero al drogador.. Drogueras droguen, drogadiccin.. Drogadependiente, drogadictos.. Drogaron, drogan y drogarn.
Ests desorientado y no sabs,. qu bondi hay que tomar, para seguir.. . Y en triste desencuentro con la f,. quers cruzar el mar, y no pods.. . La araa que salvaste te pic..
Cada la noche en la ciudad,. con mi cuerpo en soledad,. caminando por los barrios del oeste.. . El insomnio de un amor,. con su futuro de ilusin,. revivi a un joven muerto civilmente..
Yo tengo amigos en el ms all, esperndome,. desencarnados espritus graves,. mentores de mi expresin.. . Amigos mos que se fueron ya,. y otros que vivos, no los recuerdo,.
Che, vicio popular del cigarrillo,. te dejo este cantar,. por estar a vos esclavizado.. Hoy.. . Uno ms y otro ms, cientos y miles.. Millones y an ms..
Trabajadas magias, del oscuro error. Hacen a mi carne, suspirar por brillo.. Resisto a la idea de darle al papel,. frases metaleras del entorno mo.. .
Una extremista obsecin. martilla mi conciencia.. Mostrndome que el tiempo. no dura ms que la eternidad.. . Escribo en cancin mi visin. de un maana bajo tierra..
De los pagos del tiempo me he llegao,. y a los pagos del tiempo he de seguir.. Rejuntando majadas de vergenzas cansadas,. pa' brindar el resuello de un sentir..
Digerida, muy pronto ha de ser. la carne de sus cuerpos.. Se de ver que van. con rumbo al matadero. Que no han de volver. a pastorear los suelos. del llano rural..
I am stuck here with a torn up soul that can never. Be mended you, you destroyed my dreams i, i sat. Silently never knowing how much you stole and how.
Ambitious future. Lead to ruin. Inflicted suffering. To ease another. . Force of habit - change your will. Fatal fascination - deadly addiction. Downward spiral - into the depths of despair.